First, check to see your voter registration status at this link to your voter history at the NC State Board of Elections

If your registration is listed as inactive, it may be because you moved and didn't update your address, the USPS didn't report the move and/or your precinct may have changed due to realignment of the precinct and the BOE did not get a card returned to confirm your new address or precinct notification or maybe you haven't voted recently.  

If you don't meet the deadline for voter registration of 25 days prior to the election, you can update your address during early voting at any early voting location.

You can also go to the DMV website and update your voter registration if you are still in North Carolina. Link to app MyNCDM 

On Election Day, you can update your address but it must be at your new precinct. Check to see where your Election Day precinct is here=> Where Do I Vote?

MOVED? If you have moved out of Union County or out of state, please submit the cancellation of voter registration form to drop your Union County registration and keep the voters rolls current. Click here for printable form