The Dems are now for Voter ID

Hypocrisy ID'd:
“Prominent Democrats have increasingly softened their opposition to voter identification requirements in recent days,” informs The Washington Post, “signaling a new openness to measures that activists have long vilified as an insidious method of keeping minorities from the ballot box.”
Yesterday, when Republicans backed the idea, it was racist and supposedly so were they for supporting it. Not anymore. Now, Democrats favor Voter ID.
What changed?
Not racism. And certainly not racially exploitative demagoguery.
The catalyst may be a new Monmouth University poll showing fully 80 percent of Americans favor a photo ID requirement for voting, with support “at 62% among Democrats, 87% among independents, and 91% among Republicans.”
These progressive mutations take place as Senate Bill 1, the companion to H.R. 1, the so-called “For the People Act,” failed to break the GOP filibuster yesterday, blocked 50 votes to 50 votes along strictly partisan lines.
While Democrats scramble for a way out, some — Stacy Abrams, notably — suggest they have always been for voter ID.
Funny, the Democrats’ legislation would have effectively gutted the 35 state voter ID laws now on the books. “But HR-1 does not ‘ban’ voter identification laws,” lectures Newsweek’s fact-checker. “Instead, it offers a workaround” — that does not require showing an ID.
Just the sort of requirement Democrats now insist upon?
Hypocrisy notwithstanding, the real problem with Democrats dictating election policy from Washington is the rottenness of those policies, which include:
Partisan capture of the Federal Election Commission by Democrats through 2027*
Taxpayer financing of congressional campaigns
Increased regulation of speech aimed at influencing congressmen (i.e. mobilizing citizens)
Congressional Democrats have plenty more bad policies where those came from.
And a legislative majority.
This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.
* If you can’t pack the Supreme Court, packing the FEC is the next best thing.